HONDA Africa Twin CRF1000L 2016-



Africa Twin Honda Shock



ORDER your Ohlins Products EARLY! They SELL-OUT of EVERY hot Product They MAKE EACH YEAR FAST!



Ohlins_New HO646 Shock CRF1000L Honda Africa Twin S46PR1C1S



BAM! ~  Whooop -there-It-IS!  (in -Yo- Face..!)


We sell more Adventure Shocks, Forks, Cartridge kits than most any other dealer in the USA , consider us for your next purchase, we have more than 25+ years experience and we love you long time!



Now available!


Ohlins Complete 48mm Ti-Nitride Gold Forks with 30mm NIX Cartridge !Ohlins FFHO101_Africa Twin Honda CRF1000F Rally 48mm Fork



BAM! ~


The Brand NEW OHLINS complete 48mm Front FORK for your 2016-On Africa Twin CRF1000F, features a 30mm Cartridge with fully adjustable compression, rebound and spring preload all at top caps!




Ohlins FGHO101 48mm Honda Africa Twin TTX NIX Fork 48S



These are fat 48mm Inner Ti-Nitride tubes with Ohlins jumbo 30mm Cartridge (50% larger than Stock!) with fully adjustable spring preload (about 18-20 turns) compression (about 25 clicks) and Rebound (about 25 clicks).


Slip on and Go! ~ goes into standard triple clamps and all other stuff bolts right up, front calipers, axle, plastic, etc.



Ohlins FFHO101 on sale_Forks Special 48Mm



They are much larger 48mm lower inner tubes much larger than your stock 45mm, and 50% larger damping cartridge 30mm compared to just 20mm stock.




Ohlins honda Africa Twin CRF1000L FGHO101 48mm 48S RXF Forks



BAM!- Whoooop-there-it-is!






Slip on and Go Kit! ~Shock and Forks Complete Ohlins shock and Ohlins 48mm Ti-Nitride Forks!




Ohlins Shock STX S46PR1C1S with 30mm Cartridge spring kit



Honda Ohlins_Touratech_HO646 Shock STX_S46Pr1C1S CRF1000L Africat Twin Spring




BAM!~Now Available~! 


Super high quality Ohlins Shock S46PR1C1S  features fully adjustable compression, rebounds and New style Larger Function Spring Preloader.





Super Quality and affordable Ohlins Shock and 30mm NIX Fork Cartridge Kits!


This (above) FKA~kit uses your standard Honda Fork Shells, No machining required and 100% reversable.

Ohlins Africa Twin CRF1000F Shock and Front Fork_Springs_FFHO101_HO646 Heavy Duty rates



Honda CRF1000F Africa Twin Shock






Ohlins New style remote rear spring preloader, more usable range than ever before with aprox, 28 full turns.




Ohlins HO646 Honda Africa Twin shock S46PR1C1S_Nitron_Touratech



Above the new Ohlins S46PR1C1S shock with super heavy duty 46mm shock body and 16mm shaft.



Ohlins HO646



Fully adjustable compression, rebound, and Newest style largest range spring preloader from Ohlins.




Ohlins NIX FKA110 30mm fork spring and heavy cartridge kit





So you can replace almost everything within the stock Honda forks (20mm cartridge) with this new 50% larger system, the Ohlins is 30mm! (no machinging required and 100% reversable).


(See below top-Secret photo’s kit…)


New Ohlins 30mm fully adjustable Cartridge kit with spring Nix-FKA series!


Ohlins FKA Nix FKA110



Replaces almost everything within your standard fork shells with Ohlins quality industry largest 30mm cartridge kit features fully adjustable at top caps , Compression (about 25 clicks), Rebound (about 25 clicks) and Spring preload (about 18 turns and 18mm travel!)




Honda Ohlins Africa Twin CRF1000L Fork Kit



Above  Ohlins mamouth cartridge is largest in the industry.




Ohlins FKA110 Honda CRF1000L NIX Fork 30mm Cartridge Kit



Details pic above Ohlins 30mm inside dimension and  34.48mm outside  dimension cartridge kit!




Ohlins FKA Fork spring and Cartridge kit NIX



The cartridge shown on right goes in right leg, notice extra hole that’s rebound side.





Ohlins FKA110 fork cap NIX Africa Honda CRF1000L



Above the Ohlins caps have about 18mm travel and about  18 full turns of use.




Ohlins FKA 110



Above Ohlins has a 55mm tapered hydraulic anti-bottoming cone.


We some brands don’t spend the money to have any just a rubber plate on the cheap, these are by far the way to go for heavy adventure reducing the final few inches of fork anti bottoming range even for regular use.




Ohlins NIX FKA110 30m fork spring and heavy cartridge kit



Order the cartridge kit and springs to suit your rider weight- BAM!




Our staff




Can Anything be done to the stock Honda Africa Twin Suspension?

(see page bottom for details and options….)







Africa twin Test bike in the works.



(Shown below)  Touratech COMBO which is…

Africa Twin Touratech shock



The Tourtech has Hi / Lo  adjustable compression, preloader and rebound.




The Touratech Cartridge  and Spring kit .



Dennis going to Touratech East August




2016 Honda Africa Twin DCT



2016-On… Honda Africa Twin CRF1000F,

(See Below More on Ohlins Shock…)



Africa Twin Ohlins







Claimed Curb weight 503lbs (534 with DCT Dual Clutch Trans)

9.1″ Front travel claimed/ 230mm /

8.7″ Rear Travel claimed/ 220mm




Our Leader


Can Anything be done to the stock Honda Africa Twin Suspension?

(see page bottom for details and options….)

 just Springs and Revalve on the cheap and piston kit?


*Add for SKF Seals, Wiper Seals, bushings and bumper as needed with  New Showa  piece longer life Shock Seal.


Africa twin Ohlins Forks



The Blue 19mm does spring preload, the rebound does not click 1.5 turns out stock of 4.0 turns possible.


The preloader has about 15 turn range and about a 15mm effect on the preload.




Africa twin Showa Forks



Compression adjustable on bottoms, about a 16 click range.


These bottom compression nuts where used on the 1980’s CR stuff from Showa, 45mm Showa was similar to 1989-1990 Cr250,Cr500.


(Ooouh…… forgot it is 2016~)



Africa Twin Showa Ohlins Forks



Early press releases claimed 43mm forks, but 45mm Showa in real life.


SKF Seal Bushing Fork Service kits



Good thing the owner had a 1989-90 CR, because your Seals, Wipers and Bushings are the same size!



Africa Twin Fork Hieght standard



The standard fork height shown in the clamps, the blue 19mm hex is fork spring preload adjust, it has a 15 turn range and a 15mm effect on spring (see pics below…).



Africa Twin Fork Spring rates



Above the top is preload fully extended, next down is preload all off showing about a 15mm range.


The standard springs are a “progressive coil” or what is also called a “dual rate” spring that feel a little mushy at the start of the rate and a little soft for real adventure and demanding hits off pavement runs.


When Digital Machine Rating the standard progressive fork springs (See Below..)  they tend to stay at 29lb “Too long”  before ramping up to there second rate at the end.


A straight rate fork spring swap is in order for most!



Especially when even the standard tires were swapped in favor of the 60% On &  40% Off “Conti-Tracker” “TKC70” 90/90-21” front  150/70-18 rear,  still too street Slickies for the marshmellow forks which felt “Loosy-goosy”  worse as you crank up rear preload even at 18 clicks in of the 38 clicks offered on rear.


The “TKC80” 40% On & 60% Off, to be mounted  shortly.




Africa Twin Fork CArtridge



The standard fork cartridge is a 20mm stamped steel thing with a 64mm aluminum top with small taper to fit the piston below.



Honda Africa twin Ohlins Suspension (2)



Above the  Honda Africa Twin 20mm Steel Cartridge and kinda soft dual rate coil spring.


SEE below for Straight rate fork spring conversion…..


Honda Africa twin Ohlins Suspension (1)



Above “Red Arrow” shows a punch mark on the spring prelobe tube, the progressive wound spring coil displaces more or less fluid volume, with “spring in” the standard test set was about 85mm fluid level.


If switching to straight rate spring, check fluid level with spring in on this one.


The Standard preload with adjuster all off is about 10mm on the spring to start.


Adding full range at cap (15mm more), a total of about 25mm preload is maxed.



Africa Twin Forks



Above is the standard aluminum top that allows the piston on the rebound rod to go thru the 64mm tapered end only sleeve to the base. The  rebound rods are a 10mm.


To get to the rebound stuff, advanced suspension knowledge and wisdom is required.



Africa twin Showa Fork Upper



Above the Showa top fork stantion is a welcome design that adds to the overall feel of the bike with this tapered bell design.




Africa Twin Forks Showa 45mm



These are the Showa forks.




AFrica twin Fork Valving



Above, this is where the magic happens (or doesn’t)


The stock pistons only use a basic “spring loaded butterfly washer” on all four, very old school from the eighties, so No “tuneable mid valves” are in the basic stock design.


The stamped steel 20mm cartridge and old school 3 port piston, mirror image front and back sides of the rebound and compression piston except Oring / Bushing set up.


It is revalvable, or  piston kit and valving replaceable.


Bam! (Lika-a-deez!) …….

Africa Twin Honda Optional Fork Springs

Ktech SSK front frk system






Africa Twin CRF1000L Fork valving



Above on left, the super basic 3 port stock showa stamped pistons, to the right the 4 port.


The stock showa setup only has  a “spring loaded butterfly” to free flow the opposite direction of fluid passage.


The new and improved 4 port has a “tuneable mid valving” that is a nice additional element to tune low speed compression more popular with designs of today.


Africa Twin Honda Fork Valving kits



Above  4 port piston and valving with “tuneable mid valves” they can replace everything from the stem off, kinda nice way to go! Out with the old in with the new.


Advanced suspension knowledge and wisdom is required for this procedure.


Our Leader



Preloader Africa Twin honda





The stock preloader  does a 10mm range, it does have about 38 clicks you can feel.




Africa twin stock Shock Spring



Above is the stock Showa shock, it has a Nitrogen bladder, the rebound is adjustable about 24 clicks, the compression is also adjustable about 25 clicks, the spring preload has about 38 clicks or a 10mm range.


The standard spring is 240mm free length, 230mm installed all out so 10mm preload to start.


The standard spring has tapered ends that can make a substitute require collars to fit.


(Spring has smaller taper at top then bottom and body is not threaded)



Africa Twin Stock Shock



This adjuster be the Compression, about 25 clicks.




Africa twin stock Shock Spring



This be the Rebound, yeah that black one.

Note: You will need a spring press to swap the shock spring.




Afrirca Twin Shock Spring MAchine Ohlins



Above you will need a spring press to swap the shock spring,


If you notice there is no extra space below the hydraulic preloader.



Africa twin Stock Spring Rate



The standard Honda CRF1000L test spring is rated through the whole shock stroke and at peak value.




Africa Twin Stock Shock Valving



The stock shock is revalvable and respringable (are those words in the webster dictionary?)



One thing we see, the Showa two piece shock seal (from 1987) we use a better One Piece Showa design that is much better on the offroad side for many years.



Africa Twin Shock Piston valving



Above the standard Showa Piston, Compression left , Rebound right.


No worries, the owner has seen these on his 1987 Cr250 and Cr500!




Africa Twin Stock shock vs Touratech Ohlins Shock



Above left the stock Honda Shock verses the Touratech Extreme Series Shock.




Africa Twin Touratech shock



The Tourtech has Hi / Lo  adjustable compression, preloader and rebound (msrp $1795.95).




The Touratech Cartridge  and Spring kit (msrp $1795.00)



Touratech Africa twin Shock Hi Lo



Hi speed adjust (left) 18 click range and   Lo speed (right) 25 click range.




Touratech Africa Twin Shock



Touratech shock







Big Hands?


The standard Touratech preloader knob mount is a little too far out from the bike we think.


It’s an easy fix but they may have thought that allowing extra room around it was their thing for big hand people?



King Kong lead photo



King Kong can reach around the preloader knob with ease.



Africa Twn Touratech Shock Suspension Ohlins



Above reverse pic of the Touratech preloader knob.


Longer dowls and allen screws  or a “tweek” to the plate for some perhaps.






It’s hard to tell from this angle of pic, but the Hi Speed Compression Adjust , “Red Arrow” (top left of those two things) is very hard to get to and turn, even with a small “L” style Allen it’s very tight to reach, this pic shows the back one pretty easy to get to but it’s real tight in real life, but anywhooo…



Touratech Shock Preloader Africa Twin Honda CrF1000L



Above this pic shows Touratech preloader over 15mm tighter towards bike, by using (2x) 25 mm spacer and 45mm Honda flange bolts.


Looks nicer to us, but what do we know…



Preloader With Longer spacers Touratech Africa Twin Shock



Above same preloader over 15mm closer towards bike instead of “out in the breeze”.






We also checked the Touratech spring for rate and Peak.






Bet you don’t have one of these….



Above a “Top Secret” Steering fully adjustable damper that “dampens Out” from center line about sixty degree and “Zero damping return to center”  adjustable from very mild to firmer. (see below more info…)


Africa twin Ohlins Steering Damper



Top Secret, ( You Never Saw This! ).



Ohlins Steering Damper Africa Twin



Top Secret, will evaporate within 30 seconds!













Ohlins FGHO101 Front-fork-Adventure_3 (1)



Ohlins CRF1000L Honda FGHO101 Front-fork-Adventure_6 (2)



Ohlins FGHO101 Front-fork-Adventure_3 (2)




Ohlins CRF1000L Honda FGHO101 Front-fork-Adventure_6 (1)



Honda Ohlins_Touratech_HO646 Shock STX_S46Pr1C1S CRF1000L Africat Twin Spring



Ohlins HO646 Honda Africa Tiwn Shock STX On SAle NEW



Honda HO646 Africa Twin STX S46PR1C1S
